As CEO of Adriatic Luxury Hotels, David has over 30 years experience in the hotel industry spanning national and international hotel companies, with experience from start-up hotel companies in partnership with private equity, to global brands, possessing over 20 years of board experience. Adriatic Luxury Hotels is a unique collection of 10 luxury hotels and 2 luxury villas located in and around Dubrovnik dedicated to the highest standards of guest hospitality and hotel management.
A passionate believer in developing and creating a hotel company that believes in sustainability, protecting the environment, investing appropriately in hotels, their communities, their employees, and guests, David is also a strong advocate for supporting the growth of the next generation of Croatia’s hotel and hospitality leaders. His biggest hope is that his sons get to see his favourite football team win a trophy, something he has personally never seen over the years, but as his favourite team is Newcastle United, he has renewed hope!